Saturday 4 August 2012

Smell The Funk

Last week there was a little discussion going on in the comments on youtube regarding Tasty Network not posting good music anymore and a lot of it being hard electro essentially just for the sake of being hardcore. I've noticed hardcore styles of music becoming more popular in edm recently and with popularity often comes the ruining of said style of music. So thats what i see and hear a lot of hardcore music just for the sake of being hardcore cause its popular. I've never been a big fan of hardcore music of any kind but i have heard my fair share and not long ago there was a lot more melodic or hardcore music with melody, nowadays its just hardcore with not much melody goin on at all. So thats mainly why im posting this track cause its got the hard element to it and the melodic element to it and its majorily the melodic element so the hardcore element hasn't taken over the track. Anyway you'll see what i mean when you listen to the track.

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